Lets say we want to filter through a list of jobs that look like the following using an Angular 4.4.5 setup.
export interface JobState { id: number; title: string; company: string; city: string; state: string; zip: number; }
We need to create a custom pipe that takes in the search term as an input parameter for this.
import {Pipe, PipeTransform} from '@angular/core'; import {JobState} from './job-state'; @Pipe({ name: 'searchJobs' }) export class SearchJobsPipe implements PipeTransform { transform(jobs: JobState[], searchText: string): any[] { if (!jobs) { return []; } if (!searchText) { return jobs; } searchText = searchText.toLowerCase(); return jobs.filter(it => { return it.title.toLowerCase().includes(searchText) || it.company.toLowerCase().includes(searchText) || it.city.toLowerCase().includes(searchText) || it.state.toLowerCase().includes(searchText) || it.zip.toString().toLowerCase().includes(searchText); }); } }
Now add this app.module.ts to the Declarations part of NgModule, after including the AppComponent where you wish to use this.
// ... import {AppComponent} from './app.component'; import {SearchJobsPipe} from './search-jobs.pipe'; @NgModule({ // ... declarations: [ AppComponent, SearchJobsPipe ], // .... }]
Make sure you have app.component.ts that is somewhat similar to the base structure here.
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import {JobState} from './job-state'; @Component({ selector: 'app-app1', templateUrl: './app1.component.html', styleUrls: ['./app1.component.scss'] }) export class App1Component implements OnInit { jobSearch = ''; jobs: JobState[]; constructor() { } ngOnInit() { this.getJobs(); } getJobs(): void { // Make API call here and load the jobs on success // this.jobs = response.data; } }
Now add the following code into your app.component.html file or your components template.
{{job.title}} - {{job.company}}{{job.city}}, {{job.state}} - {{job.zip}}