Time complexity: O(n)
Here n represents the sum of the lengths of both the arrays.
// Merge 2 sorted Arrays Inplace (JavaScript) var a = [1, 2, 3]; var b = [4, 5]; var sort = function(a, b) { var alen = a.length - 1; var blen = b.length - 1; var index = alen + blen + 1; while (blen >= 0) { if (a[alen] >= b[blen]) a[index--] = a[alen--]; else a[index--] = b[blen--]; if (alen < 0) { while (blen >= 0) { a[index--] = b[blen--]; } break; } // if (blen<0) a's contents are already in place, so we don't need to worry about them. } return a; } console.log(sort(a, b));